# Friday, March 28, 2014

Link to New song "BIOS"
This is one of two new tracks that will be released by the end of March 2014.

posted on Friday, March 28, 2014 8:24:58 AM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #   
# Saturday, March 1, 2014

Link to Preview of new song "BIOS"

Two new tracks will be released at the end of March 2014
posted on Saturday, March 1, 2014 11:59:27 AM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #   
# Monday, April 2, 2012


Just click BUY and put Zero $ and download should start.
posted on Monday, April 2, 2012 12:56:19 PM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #   
# Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Been like 3 years from last post. Been busy bringing up a little Joey.
I finally put time aside to finish mixing and mastering a song I did with
Mike Hoover. The song is posted in the Music section or below for a direct

UNIX mp3 *right click and save as*

Enjoy and May the Shorts be with You.


posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:55:47 PM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #   
# Monday, May 1, 2006

MP3.COM has a new feature that lets independent artist's upload music.
I uploaded some tracks and pictures and it worked very well.
The site looks much cleaner than myspace or other sites that have
similar features, but I think MP3.COM will take over.
Atomic Annie was featured Last week as a "Featured Artist of the Day"
on the front page of MP3.COM.

Here is a screen capture: Screen Cap (598.19 KB)

Link to Atomic Annie at MP3.COM: http://www.mp3.com/atomicannie

Link to Atomic Annie at MySpace.Com: http://www.myspace.com/atomicanniemusic

posted on Monday, May 1, 2006 12:00:59 PM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #   
# Sunday, April 2, 2006

I finished the first Beastie Boy RECONFIGURES "remixes" song called Crawlspace.
Beastieboys.com released vocal tracks for people to put mixes/music to and this
is the first track I have made.

Atomic Annie Crawlspace MP3
(right click and save as)

Atomic Annie 3 The Hard Way MP3
(right click and save as)

Link to Beastie Boys RECONFIGURES on AtomicAnnie.com


posted on Sunday, April 2, 2006 11:13:00 PM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #   
# Sunday, February 26, 2006

I finally finished a remix single of Public Enemy's song "By The Time I Get To Arizona".

All the music was re-done, only Chuck D's vocal tracks are original.


Right Click Link and Choose "SAVE AS"

You can also find this under the music section of
the site under EXTRAS.

posted on Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:28:22 PM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #   
# Monday, February 20, 2006

I finally got around posting some pictures of the new Robot Swarms CD artwork.

Here is the link to the pictures http://www.atomicannie.com/images/rs_pictures/

If you would like a copy, please contact me: atomicannie@helpfarm.com

posted on Monday, February 20, 2006 1:16:15 PM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #   
# Sunday, May 1, 2005

Robot Swarms Cover

New AtomicAnnie Album Released: Robot Swarms


Only Samples are available.

Contact me if you would like a copy of the CD



posted on Sunday, May 1, 2005 7:08:05 PM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #   
# Monday, January 5, 2004

Over the holidays I got my copy of my solo project AtomicAnnie CD called Ruiner Robots
along with a sticker, here are some pictures.

Ruiner Robots 1

Ruiner Robots 2

Ruiner Robots 3

Ruiner Robots 4

Ruiner Robots 5

Ruiner Robots 6

posted on Monday, January 5, 2004 6:57:46 PM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #